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Group Name: Smith's Protection Service
A.K.A.: SPS/The Bashers
Group Mark: Three crossed maces in white on a blue field
Group Colors/Livery: Most wear a blue sash around their head, arm, or waist. While some believe the placement of the sash denotes rank, this is not the case.
Goals: Serve as the land's premiere bodyguard service for all who seek protection.
Leader's Goals: Byron Smith seeks to make enough money to retire and live like a king for the rest of his days.
Objectives and Objections: SPS seeks to become the most trusted name in protection. They actively oppose most thieves guilds and often work in concert with local authorities to ensure the security of their clients and cargo.
History and Motivation: Byron Smith, as a young soldier back from war, first
caught the local communities attention after successfully foiling the attempted
assassination of a wealthy merchant's son at the Flying Goose Tavern. For this
act of bravery the merchant pulled strings with local nobility and had Byron awarded
a small tract of land and some men under his charge. The merchant sang Byron's
praises and soon other small merchants asked him to help oversee their caravan
to a neighboring town. The caravan was attacked twice by bandits but arrived at
its destination with all goods and men intact. Word spread quickly and Smith's
Protection Service was born. Byron believes deeply in protecting others and
encouraging trade. He requires all his men to provide their services at the
most affordable price possible going so far as to work out barter based deals
with lesser merchants and struggling individuals in need.
Organization: At the head of the organization, Byron discusses and bids
on contracts for protection. He sends missives to his guards via couriers,
young men and women who wish to be "Bashers" as well. Each guard has
a silver ring set with lapis that they must present to the courier to receive their
Chain of Command: Bryon Smith is the head of SPS. His son William is his
advisor and handles the financial side of his guild. Overseeing the Daily
operations are Captain Hobart Jenkins (Byron's long time friend) and Captain Arnold
Jones (whom Byron met just before he left the war). Hobart and Arnold both have
two have lieutenants under their command. Each lieutenant commands three
sergeants and each sergeant oversees a group of six recruits. (For full names
and a visual breakdown of the chain of command see page 3).
Methods and Activities: With close to 80 recruits and deep ties with the merchant
community, The Bashers attract only the most capable men and women of the
community to their ranks. Many seek out SPS for a decent wage and hope to use
the connections and recommendations they earn to one day join the King's Guard.
In addition to serving as elite body guards, SPS has gained much respect due to
their unflagging assistance during any crisis (fire, flood, raid, etc).
Resources and Power: The Bashers have a good reputation with the local church.
As such, the church will provide bandages, salves, and healing to its members for
no additional charge (Byron regularly donates a generous sum to the church thus
strengthening ties.) While thieves are of little use to SPS, bard are always
welcome, as their songs and stories keep both guards and merchants entertained
and invigorated on longer journeys.
Allies and Enemies: Byron and the Bashers have resolved numerous thefts and
disappearances in the community. This has won them the almost undying support
of both local independent merchants, and regional merchant guilds. There have
been some instances of friction between the Bashers and local guards over the
"appropriate" way to handle problems, and frequency of these flare
ups seem to have increased as of late. All Thieves, Assassins, Bandits and
other unsavory organizations within 50 miles of the Bashers home hate nothing
more than to see a person wearing a blue sash.
Status Quo: There is talk that Byron Smith is going to retire, leaving
his son William in charge. While most see this as a seamless transition, the
Captains worry that William can be too ambitious, too lazy, and too loose with
his money to continue his father's legacy. Also, since William does not share
his father's love for generosity or the church, certain ties might be strained.
and Subterfuge:
o Byron Smith has taken ill (or died), leaving daily operations
in the hands of his son William. William has a number of outstanding gambling
debts with the sons of many of the local merchant's which is greatly straining
some relationships. Additionally, almost every task taken on by SPS under
William's command so far has met with disaster.
A shipment of rare fruit from the southlands
to the leader of the merchants guild was apparently poisoned. The man nearly died,
and blames William for the misfortune.
William met with a merchant to
discuss business when they were attacked by the local thieves' guild. The
merchant in question had no known enemies and it appears several of the thieves
were targeting William. The merchant has since kept her distance, causing a
valuable contract to be lost.
During the night a shipment of
spices was stolen from a merchant's warehouse. Local authorities cannot find a
motive or evidence of a break in. Three SPS guards were on duty the night of
the incident but they report no strange activity and claim to have been at
their posts all night.
A caravan headed north under the
Basher's protection disappeared right after Byron fell ill. The body of one of
its merchant recently turned up with a strange symbol scrawled on his chest.
The Rift:
o Tensions between William and Captain Arnold Jones over an
unsettled gambling debt are causing a rift in the ranks. Some claim that Arnold
is threatening to leave and form his own group of elite bodyguards. Rumors also
abound that William is seeking more "adventurous" clients and bigger
payoffs behind his father's back. Someone seems to be sowing the seeds of
discord, but it's unclear who....
o (Fighter campaign) A
call for recruits has been issued by SPS for an expansion to the Eastern
Frontier. SPS will equip and provide provisions for the journey. Any treasure
found while there is the party's, with a small percentage going back to SPS.
o (Mixed party) SPS needs adventurers to track down and locate
three rogue guards who assisted a local thieves' guild with a recent heist. The
bounty is for the return of the guards (alive) and the stolen property. Please
see Jesse Meltzer for details.
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