A large, woody,
flowering shrub, the Hidden Hibiscus grows from 6' to 8' high, and as much as
10' wide. The blooms of the hibiscus are large (easily the size of a human
hand), plentiful, and many colored. Bloom colors are typically red with yellow
ribs, or pink with dark red ribs, but some sages claim there are thousands of
different color combinations and variations. If a Hidden Hibiscus is
threatened, or detects rapid movement nearby, any blooms on the bush
immediately change their color to drab greens and browns, and the entire plant
appears to wilt and wither. Skilled alchemists use the roots of the Hidden
Hibiscus to amplify their creations that aid in natural camouflage, but the
blooms of the hibiscus are its true prize as they can be used to dramatically
increase both physical and mental speed for short periods of time. Only
brightly colored blooms can be used in these speed increasing concoctions, and
once a Hidden Hibiscus changes the color of one of its blooms, they never
change back.
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