On a black jade altar lay Yasmela, her naked body gleaming like ivory in the weird light. [1933] Black Colossus - Frazetta illustrating |
Many of the 707 potentials are not actually similes:
- "I can use an actress like you." [1935] - Jewels of Gwahlur
- "I'm not like that Stygian you knifed, and you know it." [1936] - Red Nails
- Through the coif the eyes blazed like coals of blue fire.... [1936] - The Hour of the Dragon
- His great muscles quivered, knotting like iron cables. [1934] - A Witch Shall be Born
- His eyes were open, but they were like those of a mad dog, and foam was thick on his lips. [1935] - Shadows in Zamboula
- Through the shadows he raced like a phantom.... [1934] - Shadows in the Moonlight
- ...something like a whip of scorpions fell again and again across his shoulders.... [1933] - The Slithering Shadow
- ...the blades flamed like summer lightning.... [1933] - The Slithering Shadow
- ...a terrific blow like a gust of storm wind knocked him sprawling against a rock. [1934] - The People of the Black Circle
- He hit the ground running and melted like a shadow into the maze of towering rosebushes and spreading trees. [1936] - The Hour of the Dragon
- Dion's high thin squeal broke in a strangled gurgle and his whole flabby frame collapsed like melted butter. [1932] - The Phoenix on the Sword
I also went ahead and ran this on a single Lovecraft story and already the feel of the few similes that popped was quite dramatic. This could be very neat.
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